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Triumph Cruiser Accessories 2010

America & speedmaster
Rocket iii & rocket iii classic
Rocket iii roadster
Rocket iii touring
Triumph Cruiser Accessories 2010

Longhaul rider backrest kit

Rocket iii touring

Adjustable rider backrest kit designed to provide a more relaxed riding position, reducing muscle strain and making those long distance rides a more comfortable experience. Offers a variety of easily adjustable positional settings which can be selelcted while in the saddle to suit riding conditions. Backrest Position - 6 settings easily selcted via the Patented "Dial-A-Ride". Click wheel adjuster with height adjustable sliding backrest with up to 35mm height adjustment. Spring loaded and folds forward for easy passenger access.
Longhaul rider backrest kit

Longhaul rider backrest kit

Longhaul rider backrest kit
№ каталог Описание Цена
A9708158 Longhaul Rider Backrest Kit 304 662.42р
Номер в каталоге: A9708158
Описание: Longhaul Rider Backrest Kit
Цена: 304 662.42р.
В корзину шт.
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