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Yamaha Off-Road Motorcycle & Sport ATV

Yamaha off-road motorcycle // sport atv gytr ported cylinder head assembly

Engine / performance

Head comes fully assembled and ready to install – no costly core charges or deposits, or exchange programs that can add to downtime. CNC milling ensures that every head is ported to the maximized design eliminating variances that hand porting can produce. Developed on the fl ow bench in conjunction with dyno and track testing to ensure the ultimate in performance and durability. Includes GYTR Performance Camshaft Kit, and (for YZ250F application) GYTR Valve Spring Kit. Also includes stock valve train and cam gears for durability and easy maintenance. GYTR Head Assemblies are used by Yamaha SX/ MX and ATV Race Teams.Note: For maximum performance and protection, always use Yamalube 15W-30 Full Synthetic Oil after installation – two quarts are included with each GYTR Ported Cylinder Head Assembly.Note: This accessory affects emissions; installation on EPA-regulated 2006 or later WR models constitutes unlawful tampering except when used solely for closed-course competition. YZ models are for closed-course use regardless of modification. Note: This performance accessory does not meet California standard for off-road recreational vehicle usage regardless of model year.
Yamaha off-road motorcycle // sport atv gytr ported cylinder head assembly

Yamaha off-road motorcycle // sport atv gytr ported cylinder head assembly

Yamaha off-road motorcycle // sport atv gytr ported cylinder head assembly
№ каталог Описание Цена
17D-E11B0-V0-00 GYTR® Ported Cylinder Head Assembly - Fits ’10-’13 YZ250F 358 256.84р
Номер в каталоге: 17D-E11B0-V0-00
Описание: GYTR® Ported Cylinder Head Assembly - Fits ’10-’13 YZ250F
Цена: 358 256.84р.
В корзину шт.
1DX-E11B0-V0-00 GYTR® Ported Cylinder Head Assembly - Fits ’12 WR450F 350 439.16р
Номер в каталоге: 1DX-E11B0-V0-00
Описание: GYTR® Ported Cylinder Head Assembly - Fits ’12 WR450F
Цена: 350 439.16р.
В корзину шт.
1SL-E11B0-V0-00 GYTR® Ported Cylinder Head Assembly - Fits '14 YZ450F 127 381.68р
Номер в каталоге: 1SL-E11B0-V0-00
Описание: GYTR® Ported Cylinder Head Assembly - Fits '14 YZ450F
Цена: 127 381.68р.
В корзину шт.
2S2-E11B0-V0-00 GYTR® Ported Cylinder Head Assembly - Fits ’06-’09 YZ450F 340 717.54р
Номер в каталоге: 2S2-E11B0-V0-00
Описание: GYTR® Ported Cylinder Head Assembly - Fits ’06-’09 YZ450F
Цена: 340 717.54р.
В корзину шт.
33D-E11B0-V0-00 GYTR® Ported Cylinder Head Assembly - Fits ’10-’13 YZ450F 327 048.52р
Номер в каталоге: 33D-E11B0-V0-00
Описание: GYTR® Ported Cylinder Head Assembly - Fits ’10-’13 YZ450F
Цена: 327 048.52р.
В корзину шт.
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